Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


Yep- that is what the core focus is in Social Media.

Ok- let’s get REAL. If Social Media marketing is about conversation, then should there not be words that fit in to what the culture of social media is all about? Should not you paint a picture with your words? Should your words not elicit feelings and emotions?

Of course they should.

Words are a marketer’s tool box. Here are 11 you need

1) “YOU.”

There is nothing more powerful to a person reading a message or conversation that has the word YOU in it, over and over. Many people have an “I” mentality, and in social media, you are not the deal. The other person or side of the conversation is.

There are 2 forms of conversation in social media::

a) “Contribution” and b) “Distribution.”

” Contribution conversations” contribute to the whole, and add Value to the conversation. “Distribution conversation” distributes the message/agenda you want- and has little inclusion of someone else. Contribution words use YOU many times. Distribution words use “I” or ‘Me” many times. Use the word YOU and become a Contribution Agent in social media, not a distribution rookie.

2) “A Person’s Name.”

Duh. There is nothing more beautiful to a person than their name. This is a given. I am surprised how many tweets, notes, and messages i get and also read that do not say the person’s name. Use their name at least once in every communication and message as it adds to the conversation.

And also, a person will retain almost 70% more of what a message says, if their name is within the first 3 words. Chris Brogan is a master at this. I have seen and studied him, and every time he tweets or sends a message- ususally the name is the first word.

Smart. VERY smart. we all should follow that lead.

3) “Connection.”

This word is an indication that you want to connect and start a relationship of some kind and create an ongoing conversation. Many folks use the phrase “get together” or “meet up” or “network.” Thise words are good- but CONNECT has a power within the word.

Electricity us usable when you connect to it. Same thing as a battery in a car which powers the car. And idea is only powerful when you CONNECT to it. The Power is in the Connection-when 2 things come together. It is the same in new relationships- it is all about CONNECTION.

4) “Tribes.’

This is an interesting word. Seth Godin has a cool book called “Tribes.” I suggest that you read it. But as far as a word for the social media arena, it is a word that helps define that you are within the culture and understand the community aspects of what social media is about.

In tribes around the world, it is all about community and belonging to that community. It is the same in social media. Recently I described the community we are building within a project as an “empowered tribe” and some people got it- and well’others did not. health and social care

By Admin

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