Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Getting scammed hurts – both the bank balance and our pride. Open today How can we have been so stupid? Online gaming scammers are pretty good at what they do though, so it is not worth beating yourself up about it if you do get scammed, but the important thing is not to get scammed again! Once is bad but twice is just not learning from your mistakes!

Let’s just say you’ve been taken for a ride and have become the victim of an online casino scam – you have lost money and are pretty gutted about it, but you move on. However it doesn’t end there. A few months later when the rip-off incident has started to fade from your memory, you get emails from a new gambling site, another scam site – more than likely the one that ripped you off in the first place. How have they gotten your details? Put simply – your registration form. Do you remember the huge form you filled out when you signed up to the casino that ripped you off? Yes? Well, it’s come back to bite you on the bum. If you haven’t learned your lesson and stored what happened in the ‘be wary – danger, danger’ section of your brain then you are about to get ripped off by this ‘new’ company, who will more than likely send you countless emails, ‘free’ software and rewards packages to lure you in.

The one way to stop bogus sites contacting you is simple. Set up a new email account each time you register with a site, and use it only for that individual site. This may sound like a lot of hassle, especially if you use multiple sites, but believe me, it is worth it.

Of course this is no guarantee that you will never receive email scam offers ever again – everyone gets them regardless. So be wary!

One of the ‘classic’ email scams that is still doing the rounds (so people are obviously still falling for it) is the disgruntled employee scam. This is where a supposed former employee of an online gambling site has pulled your name and email address from the company’s database. Because he has been fired he wants to do one over on the company and you, you lucky thing have been selected to help him do it – oh, the chances!

The former employee created a backdoor into the system when he designed the company’s program, which means that those who have access to this backdoor link know the outcome of an event under certain circumstances. You will be told to register with the company and for example, the second time the number 6 appears in roulette , the next spin will produce a 24. So when you see the second 6, place a high bet and you will of course, win big time! Yeah right! Funnily enough, it doesn’t work, they are simply trying to get you to bet loads of money, and when it doesn’t work, you have no one to complain to as you were trying to cheat the casino! Other versions of this scam exist – another popular one being where you get sent an email ‘by mistake ‘ that contains a valuable tip inside. You have been warned!

For the latest news from a reputable source the Grand National hubpage gives you impartial advice on picking a grand national winner, lots of historical information on the grand national and links to scam free betting and gambling portals.

By Admin

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