Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Of all criminal cases involving DWI, Intoxication Assault is by far the gravest and is a particularly hard to defend criminal charge in Dallas. A DWI lawyer with enough experience, though, can raise a defendant’s chances of obtaining the best possible case outcome.

The Texas Penal Code categorizes Intoxication Assault as a third degree felony. A person commits this offense if he or she, by accident or mistake, causes serious bodily injury to another person while driving under the influence of alcohol. By state law, “serious bodily injury” pertains to injuries that bring about a substantial risk of death or causes permanent disfigurement or crippling. Intoxication Manslaughter is a related DWI offense, wherein death comes as a result of drunk driving.

The person may spend up to ten years in jail, pay a maximum fine of $10,000 or receive license suspension of 180 days to two years if he or she is convicted of the felony in Dallas. A DWI lawyer can help individuals accused of Intoxication Assault avoid getting locked up in jail and receive probation instead. The eligibility of a defendant depends on the severity of the resulting injuries to the victim and whether or not the accused has been involved in previous criminal charges. Probation conditions such as reporting to a probation officer are similar to those set for a first DWI conviction. Additional conditions include 160-600 hours of mandatory community service, serving a minimum of 30 days in a state penitentiary and participation in an alcohol rehabilitation program.

Resource Box:

Every Dallas DWI lawyer associated with The Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy is well-versed in state and federal laws and is equipped with years of experience in handling various defense cases. The defense law firm aims to provide the best legal defense services in the Metroplex area. personal injury lawyers near me

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